The Complete 11-Step Guide to SaaS Content Marketing Strategy

Marc Freund

June 25, 2024

Hero Image with title, The Complete 11-Step Guide to SaaS Content Marketing Strategy"

Content marketing is an essential component of any modern business strategy, especially for software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies looking to position themselves as thought leaders or industry experts. 

But there’s more to a successful SaaS content marketing strategy than content creation and search engine optimization (SEO). The best SaaS content marketing efforts take a holistic approach, synthesizing business goals with customers’ needs to create engaging, value-added content that can increase sales, boost subscriptions, and improve brand awareness. 

In this article, we’ll discuss 11 steps you can take to leverage the power of great content to grab (and hold!) the attention of your target audience before guiding them through your sales funnel.

SaaS Content Marketing 101

Whether you’re running a SaaS business or not, the content marketing challenge remains the same: it’s a time-consuming, multi-step process that’s more about iteration than reaching a finish line. Executing a successful SaaS content marketing strategy depends on your ability to streamline and scale the content production process. 

Scalability helps ensure that your content output can match audience expectations in volume, quality, and relevancy. Not only do you need to be able to execute a planned content calendar, but your operation must be nimble enough to respond to changing market conditions – all while maintaining a consistent voice for your SaaS brand. A drop-off in any of these areas means people will tune out and seek other voices in the marketplace.

What is SaaS Content Marketing?

Like other types of inbound marketing, a SaaS content marketing strategy is about more than generating good leads and attracting customers. It’s also about engagement, conversion, and retention. Social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO); all these activities naturally pull customers toward your content and keep them engaged and learning more. 

The top of the SaaS content marketing funnel starts with small, incremental pieces of information. Midway through the funnel, provide your customers with quality content, like templates and tips, that provides value in their day-to-day operations and demonstrates your expertise within your subject area. The bottom of your funnel should focus on closing deals.

For each stage of the funnel, our content marketing initiatives should avoid being intrusive or annoying. Find a balance that gives customers a reason to want to click your email or post by consistently delivering valuable, non-sales content.

None of this is to say SaaS companies should eschew traditional advertising; instead, these activities should supplement their content marketing efforts with a focus on keeping their brand top-of-mind for customers.

Benefits of SaaS Content Marketing

There are many benefits of SaaS content marketing, including:

  • Establishing your company as a thought leader
  • Effectiveness in every part of the sales funnel
  • Developing your brand’s unique voice and personality
  • Building trust and credibility within your industry
  • Creating brand awareness

How Does Content Marketing Differ for SaaS Companies?

SaaS content marketing follows many of the same tenets as general content marketing, including a focus on educational content, thought leadership, lead generation/nurturing, SEO, and customer success. However, a SaaS product is often designed to solve long-term problems for consumers and businesses. 

As a result, SaaS products are typically data-driven and frequently niche or complex, with revenue models that depend upon recurring subscriptions and long customer lifecycles. SaaS products continually evolve in response to customer feedback and technological changes, so SaaS companies must create customer loyalty by building trust through community-focused content and a strong brand identity. 

One way your SaaS content marketing strategy can lean into this is through social media posts, blog posts, guides, how-tos, and other informational pieces that offer free trials, demos, and tools that draw customers into your ecosystem. This approach helps develop brand recognition and loyalty right from the start of the customer journey. 

Create Your SaaS Content Marketing Strategy in 11 Steps

SaaS content marketing strategies offer so many options that just getting started can be overwhelming. In this ultimate guide, we’ll lay out 11 steps to help you create a customized SaaS content marketing strategy.

1. Consider How Content Marketing Will Support Business Goals

Content marketing is a diverse and wide-ranging marketing strategy that can support a range of business goals. Here are a few common business goals that a successful SaaS content marketing plan can support. 

  • Sales Goals: Content informs customers about SaaS products and how those products solve customer problems. This type of marketing establishes your SaaS company as a trustworthy brand that customers would turn to for SaaS products.
  • Product Growth Goals: Understanding customer needs to produce good content can help drive innovation. Understanding your customers well enough to solve their problems means developing products to achieve that goal.
  • Brand Awareness & Loyalty Goals: Brands show they are trustworthy when they can speak to the customer and their specific needs. Additionally, customers are more willing to engage with businesses that share solutions without asking them to spend money. Content that connects with customers and presents practical, free solutions to customer problems can develop brand awareness and customer loyalty.
  • Investor/Investment Goals: Investors need to see sales, subscriptions, followers, and more to continue investing. Content generates business and helps assure investors that the brand is a trusted name and authority in the industry. Ultimately, content proves to investors that the SaaS company is developing its brand, creating a place in the industry, and providing customer value.

To maximize the impact of your efforts, it’s essential to identify which of the above goals you want your content marketing strategy to help accomplish. Trying to run in too many directions at once risks unfocused, watered-down messaging. 

Clearly Define Separate Content Marketing Goals & Metrics

Even as you develop your content marketing strategy to support your company’s goals, your marketing team should create its own marketing goals and metrics for success. Content marketing is a subset of overall marketing. Setting higher-level goals around CAC, SEO/SERP rankings, CTR, and ROAS can help keep your efforts on track. 

  • Measure the customer acquisition cost (CAC) by channel to build a content marketing plan that stays on budget. Good content marketing can reduce CAC by engaging with customers on a high-frequency, low-cost basis. If your overall CAC is too high, breaking down costs by channel can help you prioritize spending to ensure the most valuable channels are adequately fed and less effective channels discontinued. 
  • Monitor and tweak SEO as needed. Use SEO to achieve high search engine results page (SERP) rankings. Follow these metrics carefully, as rankings change over time. Rankings that flatline for two months or more—or which never achieve a high-ranking position at all—indicate stagnant growth or a misalignment between your content and the audience’s search intent.
  • Establish paid advertising goals and procedures for recording metrics. Success with paid advertising is measured in multiple ways, including click-through rate (CTR), conversion percentage, and conversions to closed deals. Measure paid advertising performance by regularly calculating your return on ad spend (ROAS). ROAS reflects the financial outcomes of the metrics above, so a poor ROAS means it’s time to consider content tweaks or changes to other strategies. 
An infographic that details different content marketing goals/KPIs and how to troubleshoot less than ideal results. Titled Tracking & Troubleshooting Content Marketing Goals.

A low click-through rate can be addressed by improving ad copy, keyword selection, or considering a change to the ad’s audience or display location. Poor click-to-convert percentage can mean your landing page or messaging needs work. Try switching up imagery, button colors, or media presentation to see what makes a difference. If conversions are flagging, consider retraining your sales team or evaluating whether your efforts bring in suitable leads for your software.

Once you’ve made adjustments, let them run for a set amount of time, then recalculate ROAS to determine whether you were successful or if there’s more work to do. 

2. Detail Target Audience Sub-Niches

Your marketing team should engage in various research activities to identify your target audience and its buyer persona subgroups, including their needs and pain points, goals, price sensitivity, and more. Your market research should also outline their awareness of your offerings and key information for each sales funnel stage, as these will shift the deeper a customer goes.

For example, at the top of the funnel, your audience may need to be made aware of your service or how it can help them. Midway through the funnel, your audience may respond to a template or tips to solve their immediate needs, but they will not have found a permanent solution to their problem. Only at the bottom of the funnel will they realize your SaaS product could benefit them and begin considering a purchase.

3. Set Your Website Up for Success

Use content marketing strategies to set your website up for success. Strategic content increases inbound traffic, boosts your website’s ranking in organic search engine results, and keeps customers visiting your website.

SEO Optimization

Keyword optimization is an ongoing, iterative process. Following best SEO practices, including thoughtful keyword inclusion and producing helpful content that helps Google answer searchers’ questions, encourages Google to view your website as trustworthy. 

However, SEO is only one of the many on-page optimization factors that affect SERP rankings. SERP rankings are essential because people inherently view highly ranked pages as more trustworthy. Think about it from your users’ perspective – would you rather reference the content you found on page five of your search results or a blurb from the first listing?

As important as SaaS SEO is, it can take up to several months for your tweaks to impact your search result rank. This makes it crucial to continually revisit and refresh your site content to maximize the benefit of your efforts.

Complete User Experience

Set up the website with core web vitals like fast-loading pages free of dense code that slows loading times. ADA compliance is essential as well. Consider readability with easy-to-see, high-contrast fonts. Set up your pages prioritizing ease of use to ensure users find the information they came for without getting lost and frustrated. Provide users with an intuitive interface and simple site structure so they can find the information they want quickly and easily.

Analytics Goals

Whatever your goals, you’ll need accurate analytics to help you determine that your efforts are successful. Are clients reading your content? Are they reviewing your video testimonials or downloading your free software? Are they clicking your CTA buttons? 

Asking these questions is the first step in identifying problems and working toward solutions. If you’re tracking click-through rates, set up your analytics platform to ensure it’s following the correct audiences and pages. A data dashboard that measures CTR, click-to-conversion, and more can be valuable as a single source of truth for your website data.

4. Perform a Comprehensive Content Audit

Organizations produce unbelievable amounts of content over time, and performing an effective content audit is essential to harness its full value. A thorough content audit involves reviewing all existing content, organizing it into groups, and critically analyzing it. This process helps determine the quantity of content, its relevance to different audiences, its thematic focus, and where there might be information gaps.

A content audit is a significant undertaking, so teams should allocate sufficient time and resources to this project. This includes involving subject matter experts from various departments across the organization to collaborate and review the content, determine an organizational structure, and identify where each piece of content fits within the sales funnel.

The investment, however, is worthwhile. The time your team spends refining existing content might otherwise have been spent creating new content without addressing underlying issues or redundancies. By optimizing what already exists, companies can achieve more impactful results, as audits like this often lead to excellent new content ideas and innovative solutions for filling content gaps in the buyer’s journey. 

Sort Content into Hubs and Stages

Create list hubs for your company’s major content types. Depending on your business structure, products, and audience, you can approach this in different ways. For example, you may set up one hub for each main product or service provided or one hub for each of the various industries you serve.

Next, identify what content to include in the top, middle, and bottom sales funnel stages. The top of the funnel is usually purely informational, intended to demonstrate an understanding of common day-to-day challenges the reader may face. The middle of the funnel is usually transactional, where prospects share their contact information to acquire insights, whitepapers, free interactive templates, free software, or free marketing tools. The bottom of the hub is usually a landing page or sign-up page.

Run a report with a sitemap generator tool (there are many free online options) to identify all content URLs for your organization and sort them into each hub or funnel stage. This will help you learn how much web content your organization has produced, its intended audience, and where gaps may exist. 

For example, you may discover that your organization has produced 50 top-funnel content pieces for the CEO audience and one bottom-funnel piece – but no mid-funnel content. The lack of mid-funnel content for your audience to use and learn from makes it difficult for that user to feel confident making a purchase decision. Filling in the gap helps complete your content blueprint.

Identify Current Content Performance

Following the audit, it’s time to review existing content to measure its performance. You’ll need to use your data platform, whether that’s Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or one of the many others on the market, to analyze each page individually. Poor results can mean different things. For example, if the content matches the search intent but isn’t achieving high SERP rankings, it needs to be optimized. If the content doesn’t match the search intent and doesn’t perform well in organic keyword rankings, it may need to be completely rewritten.

Watch out for pages that cannibalize each other, where both pages appear in results for the same search term. This can leave users unsure of where to go for the answer to their query, leading to acceptable but tepid traffic on both pages. Not only does this prevent both pages from achieving better traffic, but users who don’t find their answer on the first page they click may leave your site altogether without trying the other result.

In most cases of cannibalization, the content from the lesser-performing page should be moved to the better-performing page, and the lesser-performing page URL should redirect to the better-performing page.

When you’ve finished your content audit, present the results to relevant decisionmakers and stakeholders to determine the next steps and set a plan.

5. Create a Personalized and Strategic Content Plan

The ideal customer journey varies by industry and company, so a customized, strategic content plan is a requirement for success.

Map Out Each Stage of the Marketing Funnel

After your market research, you should have a list of personas representing your typical audience. Each of these personas represents a different kind of customer journey because every customer interacts with your business slightly differently, and may even seek your products or services for different reasons.

Use this information to map out each stage of your company’s marketing funnel by describing what content will appear at the top, middle, and bottom. Consider creating different funnels for your personas, each with top, middle, and bottom-level content.

Focus on Lead-Nurturing Content 

Lead-nurturing content keeps your brand top-of-mind for your contacts. This is especially important for nudging warm leads toward action or re-engaging with cold leads who were once interested but have since dropped off. 

There are many things you can do to nurture leads, including:

  • Launch an engaging email campaign. Share case studies, offer valuable insights, tell stories, and lead with captivating subject lines. Link to helpful information like a content calendar template or recent blog articles answering commonly asked questions. 
  • Schedule check-in calls. Connect with customers over the phone to build relationships and help them through their customer journey.
  • Launch retargeted ad campaigns. Direct ads towards warm leads to nudge them toward the bottom of the funnel. If applicable, offer them discounts or special deals as a part of the call to action (CTA).

Integrate Sales and Marketing

Bring marketing teams and sales teams together to align on plans, support for upcoming events, outreach efforts, customer retention goals, and more. Discuss goals for the upcoming quarter or year and align marketing team plans to assist in reaching those goals. 

You can also use this time to identify common misunderstandings or questions prospects bring up at various points in the marketing funnel, then collaborate to create content that proactively addresses those issues early in the sales process. This helps customers feel more confident about your company and more comfortable with proceeding to the next stage of the funnel. It also helps prevent the sales team from wasting time repeatedly answering the same questions.

6. Do SEO Keyword Research

SEO keyword research involves identifying the search volume of various words and phrases customers use when performing internet searches. This data provides an in-depth look at the words that lead customers to your website.

Researching key search terms is an essential first step for optimizing your website content to generate organic traffic – and a great way to generate content ideas. 

How to Find SEO Keywords

SEO keyword research tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs can help you find and sort keywords by relevance and volume to select the best keywords for your pages and content.

Keywords are most effective when used on websites that search engines have deemed authoritative, so focus on publishing relevant, valuable content for customers to get the most out of your SEO keyword use.

How to Use SEO Keywords

Keywords must be inserted in various parts of the text to be effective. There are many different strategies for using keywords. Most experts agree that, in addition to including keywords naturally throughout the article, content creators should ensure they appear in the meta description, page title tag, and primary headline, or H1. It’s also important to include your focus keywords within the first 200 words of your content. 

In addition to standard keywords, you should also identify and include relevant long-tail keywords throughout your content. Long-tail keywords are comprised of longer phrases and can be found by:

  • Looking at ‘related searches’ at the bottom of Google results.
  • Following your instincts – you likely already have a good handle on what phrases your customers are searching. 
  • Googling competitors to find out what keywords they’re optimizing for.

7. Enable Tailored Content Creation

Creating tailored content for specific personas can help customers find the right content to guide them through the customer journey.

Consider User Goals & SERP Intent

SEO-enriched content should be created to match what the user is looking for. Search engine intent falls into these categories:

  • Informational: The user is seeking a specific piece of information.
  • Transactional: The user wants to take an action, like completing a purchase.
  • Navigational: The user is seeking a specific site or page.
  • Commercial: The user wants to learn more about a product, brand, or service.

Regardless of intent, Google SERP consistently ranks certain types of valuable content formats highest on page one, including complete guides, how-tos, product/feature pages, checklists, templates, and other tools.

Content Personalization & Segmentation

Always write with a persona in mind. Each piece of content and call to action (CTA) should speak to that target reader while supporting your company’s product, service, or goal. Keep a list of personas and check them off when content is created at each funnel level for each persona.

8. Develop Your Content Distribution Strategy

Building a streamlined, scalable content creation process is just one piece of the inbound marketing puzzle. You must also develop an effective content distribution strategy and a sense of when you can repurpose content rather than create it from scratch.

Where to Distribute Content

Even if your company is just starting out, it likely has multiple organic and paid options for distributing and promoting content. These can include email, social media pages, your company website, a blog, newsletters, PPC advertising, and more.

You should also create a plan for organically promoting content within your website using internal links, sometimes called inlinks. These strategically placed bits of hyperlinked text direct users to other relevant pages on your site and can be very helpful SEO tools for improving SERP. 

A robust backlinking strategy is also essential. Backlinks – links from external sites and online communities to your site – are invaluable for SEO authority rankings. Search engines’ algorithms reason that you must know what you’re talking about because others are linking to your page about a given topic. Ensuring that your content appears on websites frequented by your target audience is also key to driving visibility and site traffic, even without a direct CTA.

How to Repurpose Content

Repurposing content is a viable strategy for maximizing its utility. For example, you might consider using organic channels like email marketing and newsletters as an A/B testing ground for verbiage for a new feature launch or product updates, encouraging recipients to click on a link to receive an “insider promo.” 

The copy that receives more clicks is the one you’d use in an actual paid ad or on your site later. Be careful when repurposing content on your site for use on new pages: search engines give a lower SERP to pages that use duplicate content found elsewhere on the web. Instead, try to take a different angle on your original content and then create inlinks between the pages to improve SEO.

Publishing blogs on your website and linking to them through social media and marketing channels is a great way to increase their reach. You can also publish case studies or a whitepaper on your website and related product pages and then link to them through LinkedIn.

Remember that content isn’t just written. Recorded events like webinars are also content and can be repurposed for use on your website later. Share video content or even podcasts as mid-funnel gated content. Ask potential customers to provide their email addresses so they can access the recorded sessions for learning purposes.

Short, “snackable” videos drive massive engagement on social media channels, so consider different ways that your team might be able to repurpose white papers or testimonials into short-form video content. Consider other visual strategies to engage with audiences on social media, like infographics and teaser images leading to existing posts on your blog – as long as the content is still relevant.

9. Monitor and Improve Content Success

Content marketing isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it strategy: continuously monitoring metrics to inform iterative improvements to designs and content is key to ensuring that your efforts pay off long-term.

Review Conversion Goals

Use Google Analytics and other data dashboards to determine which pages meet conversion goals and which don’t. Ask “why” for both low- and high-performing content. Knowing why one page does well while another doesn’t gives you a blueprint for elevating pages that have missed the mark. You might even be able to create a template for successful content.

When content can’t be improved using the same methods that have made other content successful, it probably needs to be revisited and optimized. If that doesn’t work, it’s probably time to delete that content and redirect users to a more successful page.

Gauge Your Content Marketing ROI

As mentioned earlier, it is critical to regularly review your content marketing return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS) metrics. 

ROI is a versatile metric that measures the overall profitability of an investment, such as the money spent on high-quality design work for your website or marketing collateral. It considers the total cost of the investment against the total return generated over time, providing a broad perspective on the effectiveness and impact of that investment.

ROAS focuses specifically on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns to help you determine how much profit your ad spending is generating. Knowing which advertising channels drive the most significant profits can help you decide which to expand and which to reassess or discontinue.

Improve Content Success Rates

When measuring content success, divide content into two categories: organic SEO rankings and paid advertising.

To assess and improve SEO rankings:

  • Perform SEO keyword research. Create a list of primary, secondary, and long-tail keywords for each piece of organic content.
  • Write a list of expectations for using keywords in organic content. Outline where keywords should be used, how many times, and how much keyword variation is acceptable. Apply these expectations to each piece of published writing. Avoid “keyword stuffing,” that is, including the keyword too many times within a single page.
  • Review the content intent and match it to the SERP for your target search term. This ensures that the type of content you publish will reach an audience actively looking for it.
  • Include related terms. Keywords are important, but so are the related terms that indicate to search engines that your content is thorough, adds value, and is more likely to be a match for leads.
  • Consider SERP-valued features. Search engines don’t look at written content alone. Sometimes, images or infographics are also weighted and considered important to the search engine algorithm, so take the time to provide alt-tags for your images and descriptions for your videos. 

To assess and improve paid advertising outcomes, consider:

  • Click-through rate (CTR). Low click-through rates can occur for various reasons, including poor ad copy and keyword selection. The location of the ad also plays a role in its success. Improving the messaging and the advertisement location are ways to raise conversion rates.
  • Click to convert percentage. If customers aren’t clicking through on your landing page, it’s a sign they can’t find what they need. You may need to update your layout or reassess your content. Review your messaging, presentation, and media choices to improve the user experience and turn site visitors into qualified leads.
  • Conversions to closed deals. If the conversions from paid advertising are not leading to closed deals, they may be the wrong fit for your software. Your advertising could be attracting the wrong customers, or your sales team may need retraining to help guide customers to the bottom of the sales funnel.

Remember, your ROAS reflects all of your paid advertising activities. You’ll need to work on one or more of the above categories to improve it.

‘Decision Tree’ type image titled ‘How to Improve Content Success Rates.' Ask questions like, “Is content receiving a lot of organic visits?” where Yes answer points to next question and No answer points to advice saying “Reconsider the target SEO keyword for this piece, and that the page content aligns with user intent for this search term.”

10. Be Flexible Yet Consistent with Content Growth

Regardless of why or how your audiences start engaging with your content, regular contact is crucial for maintaining their interest and your authority as a thought leader. Establishing a consistent publishing cadence keeps your audience anticipating and eager to hear more from you. Once they’re in the habit of looking at your email or your blog, they’re more likely to keep coming back.

While it’s possible to plan out some evergreen topics months in advance, it’s essential to maintain a flexible content calendar. Review and revise keyword selections quarterly or, even better, monthly to ensure that your topics are trending and relevant to your audience. Reacting quickly to relevant market conditions or news demonstrates your thought leadership in the industry and shows that your content is worth your audience’s time. 

11. Streamline Content Production

Quality content is key to driving audience engagement, but producing it at scale requires a streamlined, efficient, and consistent production process. 

Streamline Your Content Production Workflow

Determining the best workflow for your organization’s content production needs often involves trial and error. You’ll need to set realistic timeframe expectations to achieve optimal results. Here are the essential steps to consider:

  • Identify target content to create/optimize. Have a list of content that fulfills every step of the sales funnel, content produced across many channels, and content that speaks to different personas.
  • Create a content blueprint. The blueprint shows the full design of your content and its interrelated parts. It may be SEO-optimized for organic content or UX-optimized for ads and landing pages.
  • Produce copy. Copy is written, QA’d, and approved. At this stage, copy may also be checked against the content calendar to ensure that market conditions dictate deviating from the plan. 
  • Produce graphics. Graphics go through brainstorming to align with content, are created, and then are QA’d and approved.
  • Compile the first draft. Once the copy and graphics are created, they’re combined in a first draft, which is then proofread, revised, and approved.
  • Publish. Content is published according to the content creation calendar.
“Lifecycle” circular graph with title “Elements of a Streamlined Content Production Workflow” and showcasing content production steps: Research content performance & trends, Identify creation & optimization opportunities, Develop a strategic content blueprint, Create informed & actionable copy/graphics, Finalize, publish & promote

Build and Scale Your Content Marketing Team

Hire your content marketers based on their core abilities to create great content and their cultural fit. If new hires possess the other qualities needed to be successful, they can be taught specific task responsibilities. Until your company is in a position to hire a full-time content marketer, consider working with freelancers or part-time contractors. 

Your company can also use certain software and AI-powered tools as a force multiplier to supplement the content team by handling initial research or generating possible ideas. This allows your human team members to focus on content refinement and big-picture strategies.

However, even the best in-house marketing professionals rarely specialize in content writing and often need more resources to produce great content. This problem exists in startups and mature businesses, which is why many organizations work with a content marketing agency to leverage their deep project management experience and knowledge. 

Five Tool Specializes in B2B SaaS Content Marketing

SaaS content marketing can be challenging for organizations of all sizes. Success requires an organized team, specialized knowledge of content marketing techniques and tools, including SEO and paid advertising, and a deep understanding of SaaS customers. 

Five Tool is a SaaS marketing agency that offers content marketing strategies to support your lead generation and marketing efforts. We offer data-driven, high-quality content for SaaS businesses, and we’ll work with your existing in-house team to help you achieve your marketing and sales goals. To learn more about working with Five Tool, contact us to set up a quick consultation.

SaaS Content Marketing FAQ

Why is content marketing important for SaaS companies?

SaaS companies often sell complex process solutions. Unlike tangible products, SaaS solutions must be thoroughly explained and demonstrated to potential customers, who may not even realize these products are available, let alone their benefits. Many SaaS products also require a significant investment both monetarily and during implementation. 

When executed by a knowledgeable team, effective content marketing overcomes these hurdles, driving conversions by aligning content with customer pain points and readiness to buy at each stage of the sales funnel. The ongoing engagement of content marketing moves prospects from initial awareness, where content is purely informational, to consideration, offering practical, low-commitment solutions like templates and free tools, to decision-making stages at the bottom of the funnel, where content underscores the benefits of the SaaS product itself. 

What makes a SaaS content marketing strategy successful?

Content marketing is a way of staying relevant with audiences while establishing your company as a thought leader. It gives your SaaS company legitimacy that other companies may not have and helps build trust with customers. 

A successful SaaS content marketing strategy involves creating content that aligns closely with your company’s customer journey stages. It positions your company as a thought leader, establishing legitimacy and building trust with your audience so that, when purchasing a product, your audience will already have your brand at the top of their mind. Besides its impact on the sales pipeline, the success of any SaaS content marketing strategy must also be measured by engagement metrics and conversion rates.

How do most marketing firms do SEO?

Most marketing firms begin their SEO process with comprehensive keyword research to identify a mix of primary, secondary, long-tail, and related keywords that align with the user’s search intent.  Next, they produce content with keywords placed strategically throughout the piece to maximize effectiveness. A good marketing partner will set and adhere to parameters around keyword density to ensure quality content and avoid keyword stuffing.

Good marketing firms also continuously monitor and adjust their SEO strategies based on performance over time. This includes ensuring visitors find the answers they need when they land on a page and identifying low-performing, misaligned, or poorly placed keywords.

How long does it take for SEO to show results?

SEO is a long-term strategy. It can take six months or more for results to become noticeable, but this is only a general timeline. For example, results may be subtle in the early days, with increased leads or sales taking longer to manifest. Keyword competitiveness, industry factors, and the amount of effort a company puts into its SEO strategy overall can also impact how rapidly results appear.